Cancer Awareness

I’m worried I might have Cancer

If there are any symptoms or signs you are concerned about just speak to the GP

Some people might not be sure of what kind of things to look out for or when they should be concerned; Macmillan cancer charity have made posters in different languages of what symptoms to look out for.

I need advice or support

You can always speak to The Village practice if you need advice or support. Macmillan have also got many ways of providing support such as speaking to a nurse or telephone buddy just for general support.

They also have provided ways to get support by sharing your experiences with others also affected or by speaking to an expert if you have any questions related to cancer.

Covid-19 and Cancer

People with cancer and their families might feel especially worried about the Covid-19 virus; cancer and its treatment can lower your ability to fight infection.

Please see the link below to cancer research UK which gives advice and can answer some of your questions around Covid-19.

Cancer: Further Information

Prostate Cancer – Check your risk

Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don’t have symptoms.

Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured.

You can check your risk of prostate cancer in 30 seconds by clicking the link below.

Learning Disability Cancer Information

Easy Read Materials are also available for bowel, cervical and breast screening to help those with Learning Disabilities.

Mencap have created videos to let you know about cancer screening and also information if you are worried.

Breast Cancer screenings for people with Learning Disabilities
Bowel Cancer screenings for people with Learning Disabilities
Cervical cancer screenings for people with Learning Disabilities
Cancer Screenings for People with Learning disabilities
The Smear Test Film