Patient Access

Non-urgent advice: Please note
This service is only for medications that your Doctor has agreed to prescribe on repeat.
We aim to get these repeat prescriptions ready for collection within 48 hours of you requesting them. New medications and past medications may need more scrutiny and may take longer to issue. We would like our script service to be as efficient as possible and serve you, the patient as best we can.
Delays in issuing medication can arise when medications change or we need to review your script. All medications have the potential to harm and we work hard to ensure that safety is paramount when we are issuing your medication so sometimes, further checks are needed.
Outlined below are some of the ways that you can make the service work well for you and help us complete essential checks.
How can a repeat script be requested?
- By handing in the right side of the script (this is the side which is torn off and returned to the patient after the pharmacist has taken the green side) with clear ticks indicating which drugs are required or posting it to us. If you do not have the right side, reception can print this off for you but please try and retain it to save time for yourself.
- By asking your regular pharmacist to order your repeat medication.
- Order online via the link at the top of this page. Please click the link above to register!
If there is change to your repeat medication in terms of dose / new meds, please indicate exactly what is required in legible hand writing and try to leave it for the attention of your usual doctor. This may take longer to process.
What we may not accept or may take longer to process
- Handwritten requests – the reason for this is that drugs are often spelt wrongly, doses are incorrect and confusion can arise.
- Telephone requests to reception will not be accepted unless you are housebound, elderly and mobility issues make it difficult for you to come to the surgery. You may need a telephone appointment with a doctor if you cannot get the right side of the script to us.
If you are housebound/elderly, please discuss with us and we will set up a system that is manageable for you.
How can you help us?
- By coming in for regular medication reviews when required.
- By responding to any requests that we put on your script: for example blood tests / BP measurement etc.
- By attaching copies of blood tests required before a script can be issued ( for example INR with warfarin). Please ask a member of the reception team if any queries about this.
- By telling us about changes in medication from other sources, for example consultants. Usually we get correspondence about this but sometimes there can be a time delay between your attendance at clinic and us getting information. If you have written confirmation about changes, please do not hesitate to let us know.
- By telling us when you do not wish to take a medication / side effects are intolerable. We are happy to discuss this and would like to make decisions about medications jointly with you.
- Ordering your medication on time. If it is very early (more than 2 weeks before due) or late, we may need to discuss this with you.
What we could do better?
- Try to ensure your medications are synchronised so you are not having to order different medications at different times. Please ask reception for a form to help set this up and attach it to your next script request. Alternatively, you can book an appointment to sort this out but you will need to bring all your medications with you.
- If you are stable on your medications we could set up prescriptions that last 3 months but please note this is not possible for all medications.